Sound Bath by Frost in Matakana - Sunday 27th April // Bali Garden


Come along to this beautiful, healing and calming 'Sound Bath by Frost' Workshop at the magical Bali Garden at Point Wells, Matakana.

You are invited to this unique 50 minute sound bath experience to slow down, rest, and receive healing vibrations while immersed in these beautiful singing bowls, which are quartz crystal from Nepal all tuned to specific tones/notes which correspond to each chakra. Crystal singing bowls are ancient Eastern medicine. Each bowl emit a powerful, healing resonant sound with the tone lasting longer, simply because of the size specific tuning and amount of pure crystal.

You will not actually be in a bath. This event is water free, Sound Bath is the name for singing bowl immersion. Letting your body feel the full experience from the vibrations and healing properties. Just to name a few of the benefits….

+ Reduced blood pressure
+ Increase in immune system function
+ Enhanced sleep and memory
+ Mood regulation
+ Reduced stress and anxiety
+ Improved circulation and blood flow
+ Promoted happiness and sense of well-being
+ Relaxation and pain relief
+ Increased aura (people may notice this)

NB: You will be laying down on your back for this session so you can enjoy the full experience.

Where: Bali Garden, 292 Point Wells Road, Matakana 0986. NEW ZEALAND
When: Sunday 27th April
9:30am - 10:20am

About Ema...
Ema has been in the wellness and fitness industry for 20 plus years, Her love of art and health have been Ema's passions. She has competed in several Fitness competitions over the years and understands the value and importance for having a healthy mind and body. Ema is very excited to now be offering Sound Bath sessions. Also trained in Colour and Kinesiology which she will touch on in these sessions.

Cancellation Policy
All workshops are non-refundable. We can offer you a workshop swap if we have  at least 7 days notice prior to the original workshop date, subject to availability.